Code Lyoko Wiki


* Socialite v2.0
* Copyright (c) 2011 David Bushell
* Dual-licensed under the BSD or MIT licenses:

window.Socialite = (function(window, document, undefined) {

   'use strict';
   var uid       = 0,
       instances = [ ],
       networks  = { },
       widgets   = { },
       rstate    = /^($|loaded|complete)/,
       euc       = window.encodeURIComponent;
   var socialite = {
       settings: { },
       trim: function(str)
           return str.trim ? str.trim() : str.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,);
       hasClass: function(el, cn)
           return (' ' + el.className + ' ').indexOf(' ' + cn + ' ') !== -1;
       addClass: function(el, cn)
           if (!socialite.hasClass(el, cn)) {
               el.className = (el.className === ) ? cn : el.className + ' ' + cn;
       removeClass: function(el, cn)
           el.className = socialite.trim(' ' + el.className + ' '.replace(' ' + cn + ' ', ' '));
        * Copy properties of one object to another
       extendObject: function(to, from, overwrite)
           for (var prop in from) {
               var hasProp = to[prop] !== undefined;
               if (hasProp && typeof from[prop] === 'object') {
                   socialite.extendObject(to[prop], from[prop], overwrite);
               } else if (overwrite || !hasProp) {
                   to[prop] = from[prop];
        * Return elements with a specific class
        * @param context - containing element to search within
        * @param cn      - class name to search for
       getElements: function(context, cn)
           // copy to a new array to avoid a live NodeList
           var i   = 0,
               el  = [ ],
               gcn = !!context.getElementsByClassName,
               all = gcn ? context.getElementsByClassName(cn) : context.getElementsByTagName('*');
           for (; i < all.length; i++) {
               if (gcn || socialite.hasClass(all[i], cn)) {
           return el;
        * Return data-* attributes of element as a query string (or object)
        * @param el       - the element
        * @param noprefix - (optional) if true, remove "data-" from attribute names
        * @param nostr    - (optional) if true, return attributes in an object
       getDataAttributes: function(el, noprefix, nostr)
           var i    = 0,
               str  = ,
               obj  = { },
               attr = el.attributes;
           for (; i < attr.length; i++) {
               var key = attr[i].name,
                   val = attr[i].value;
               if (val.length && key.indexOf('data-') === 0) {
                   if (noprefix) {
                       key = key.substring(5);
                   if (nostr) {
                       obj[key] = val;
                   } else {
                       str += euc(key) + '=' + euc(val) + '&';
           return nostr ? obj : str;
        * Copy data-* attributes from one element to another
        * @param from     - element to copy from
        * @param to       - element to copy to
        * @param noprefix - (optional) if true, remove "data-" from attribute names
        * @param nohyphen - (optional) if true, convert hyphens to underscores in the attribute names
       copyDataAttributes: function(from, to, noprefix, nohyphen)
           // `nohyphen` was needed for Facebook's <fb:like> elements - remove as no longer used?
           var attr = socialite.getDataAttributes(from, noprefix, true);
           for (var i in attr) {
               to.setAttribute(nohyphen ? i.replace(/-/g, '_') : i, attr[i]);
        * Create iframe element
        * @param src      - iframe URL (src attribute)
        * @param instance - (optional) socialite instance to activate on iframe load
       createIframe: function(src, instance)
           // Socialite v2 has slashed the amount of manual iframe creation, we should aim to avoid this entirely
           var iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
  = 'overflow: hidden; border: none;';
           socialite.extendObject(iframe, { src: src, allowtransparency: 'true', frameborder: '0', scrolling: 'no' }, true);
           if (instance) {
               iframe.onload = iframe.onreadystatechange = function ()
                   if (rstate.test(iframe.readyState || )) {
                       iframe.onload = iframe.onreadystatechange = null;
           return iframe;
        * Returns true if network script has loaded
       networkReady: function(name)
           return networks[name] ? networks[name].loaded : undefined;
        * Append network script to the document
       appendNetwork: function(network)
           // the activation process is getting a little confusing for some networks
           // it would appear a script load event does not mean its global object exists yet
           // therefore the first call to `activateAll` may have no effect whereas the second call does, e.g. via `window.twttr.ready`
           if (!network || network.appended) {
           // `network.append` and `network.onload` can cancel progress
           if (typeof network.append === 'function' && network.append(network) === false) {
               network.appended = network.loaded = true;
           if (network.script) {
               network.el = document.createElement('script');
               socialite.extendObject(network.el, network.script, true);
               network.el.async = true;
               network.el.onload = network.el.onreadystatechange = function()
                   if (rstate.test(network.el.readyState || )) {
                       network.el.onload = network.el.onreadystatechange = null;
                       network.loaded = true;
                       if (typeof network.onload === 'function' && network.onload(network) === false) {
           network.appended = true;
        * Remove network script from the document
       removeNetwork: function(network)
           if (!socialite.networkReady( {
               return false;
           if (network.el.parentNode) {
           return !(network.appended = network.loaded = false);
        * Remove and re-append network script to the document
       reloadNetwork: function(name)
           // This is a last-ditch effort for half-baked scripts
           var network = networks[name];
           if (network && socialite.removeNetwork(network)) {
        * Create new Socialite instance
        * @param el     - parent element that will hold the new instance
        * @param widget - widget the instance belongs to
       createInstance: function(el, widget)
           var proceed  = true,
               instance = {
                   el      : el,
                   uid     : uid++,
                   widget  : widget
           if (widget.process !== undefined) {
               proceed = (typeof widget.process === 'function') ? widget.process(instance) : false;
           if (proceed) {
           instance.el.setAttribute('data-socialite', instance.uid);
           instance.el.className = 'socialite ' + + ' socialite-instance';
           return instance;
        * Process a socialite instance to an intermediate state prior to load
       processInstance: function(instance)
           var el = instance.el;
           instance.el = document.createElement('div');
           instance.el.className = el.className;
           socialite.copyDataAttributes(el, instance.el);
           // stop over-zealous scripts from activating all instances
           if (el.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'a' && !el.getAttribute('data-default-href')) {
               instance.el.setAttribute('data-default-href', el.getAttribute('href'));
           var parent = el.parentNode;
           parent.insertBefore(instance.el, el);
        * Activate a socialite instance
       activateInstance: function(instance)
           if (instance && !instance.loaded) {
               instance.loaded = true;
               if (typeof instance.widget.activate === 'function') {
               socialite.addClass(instance.el, 'socialite-loaded');
               return instance.onload ? instance.onload(instance.el) : null;
        * Activate all socialite instances belonging to a network
       activateAll: function(network)
           if (typeof network === 'string') {
               network = networks[network];
           for (var i = 0; i < instances.length; i++) {
               var instance = instances[i];
               if (instance.init && === network) {
        * Load socialite instances
        * @param context - (optional) containing element to search within
        * @param el      - (optional) individual or an array of elements to load
        * @param w       - (optional) widget name
        * @param onload  - (optional) function to call after each socialite instance has loaded
        * @param process - (optional) process but don't load network (if true)
       load: function(context, el, w, onload, process)
           // use document as context if unspecified
           context = (context && typeof context === 'object' && context.nodeType === 1) ? context : document;
           // if no elements search within the context and recurse
           if (!el || typeof el !== 'object') {
               socialite.load(context, socialite.getElements(context, 'socialite'), w, onload, process);
           var i;
           // if array of elements load each one individually
           if (/Array/.test( {
               for (i = 0; i < el.length; i++) {
                   socialite.load(context, el[i], w, onload, process);
           // nothing was found...
           if (el.nodeType !== 1) {
           // if widget name not specified search within the element classes
           if (!w || !widgets[w]) {
               w = null;
               var classes = el.className.split(' ');
               for (i = 0; i < classes.length; i++) {
                   if (widgets[classes[i]]) {
                       w = classes[i];
               if (!w) {
           // find or create the Socialite instance
           var instance,
               widget = widgets[w],
               sid    = parseInt(el.getAttribute('data-socialite'), 10);
           if (!isNaN(sid)) {
               for (i = 0; i < instances.length; i++) {
                   if (instances[i].uid === sid) {
                       instance = instances[i];
           } else {
               instance = socialite.createInstance(el, widget);
           // return if just processing (or no instance found)
           if (process || !instance) {
           // initialise the instance
           if (!instance.init) {
               instance.init = true;
               instance.onload = (typeof onload === 'function') ? onload : null;
           // append the parent network (all instances will be activated onload)
           // or activate immediately if network has already loaded
           if (! {
           } else {
               if (socialite.networkReady( {
        * Load a single element
        * @param el     - an individual element
        * @param w      - (optional) widget for this socialite instance
        * @param onload - (optional) function to call once each instance has loaded
       activate: function(el, w, onload)
           // skip the first few steps
           window.Socialite.load(null, el, w, onload);
        * Process elements to an intermediate state prior to load
        * @param context - containing element to search within
        * @param el      - (optional) individual or an array of elements to load
        * @param w       - (optional) widget name
       process: function(context, el, w)
           // stop before widget initialises instance
           window.Socialite.load(context, el, w, null, true);
        * Add a new social network
        * @param name   - unique name for network
        * @param params - additional data and callbacks
       network: function(n, params)
           networks[n] = {
               name     : n,
               el       : null,
               appended : false,
               loaded   : false,
               widgets  : { }
           if (params) {
               socialite.extendObject(networks[n], params);
        * Add a new social widget
        * @param name   - name of owner network
        * @param w      - unique name for widget
        * @param params - additional data and callbacks
       widget: function(n, w, params)
  = n + '-' + w;
           if (!networks[n] || widgets[]) {
  = networks[n];
           networks[n].widgets[w] = widgets[] = params;
        * Change the default Socialite settings for each network
       setup: function(params)
           socialite.extendObject(socialite.settings, params, true);
   return socialite;

})(window, window.document);


* Socialite Extensions - Pick 'n' Mix!

(function(window, document, Socialite, undefined) {

   // default to the Queen's English
       facebook: {
           lang: 'en_GB',
           appId: null
       twitter: {
           lang: 'en'
       googleplus: {
           lang: 'en-GB'

   // Facebook
   //'facebook', {
       script: {
           src : '//',
           id  : 'facebook-jssdk'
       append: function(network)
           var fb       = document.createElement('div'),
               settings = Socialite.settings.facebook,
               events   = { onlike: 'edge.create', onunlike: 'edge.remove', onsend: 'message.send' };
  = 'fb-root';
           network.script.src = network.script.src.replace('Template:Language', settings.lang);
           window.fbAsyncInit = function() {
                     appId: settings.appId,
                     xfbml: true
               for (var e in events) {
                   if (typeof settings[e] === 'function') {
                       window.FB.Event.subscribe(events[e], settings[e]);
   var facebookInit = function(instance)
       var el = document.createElement('div');
       el.className = instance.widget.fbtype;
       Socialite.copyDataAttributes(instance.el, el);
       if (window.FB && window.FB.XFBML) {
   Socialite.widget('facebook', 'like',   { init: facebookInit, fbtype: 'fb-like' });
   Socialite.widget('facebook', 'share',  { init: facebookInit, fbtype: 'fb-share-button' });

   // Twitter
   //'twitter', {
       script: {
           src     : '//',
           id      : 'twitter-wjs',
           charset : 'utf-8'
       append: function()
           var notwttr  = (typeof window.twttr !== 'object'),
               settings = Socialite.settings.twitter,
               events   = ['click', 'tweet', 'retweet', 'favorite', 'follow'];
           if (notwttr) {
               window.twttr = (t = { _e: [], ready: function(f) { t._e.push(f); } });
               for (var i = 0; i < events.length; i++) {
                   var e = events[i];
                   if (typeof settings['on' + e] === 'function') {
             , settings['on' + e]);
           return notwttr;
   var twitterInit = function(instance)
       var el = document.createElement('a');
       el.className = + '-button';
       Socialite.copyDataAttributes(instance.el, el);
       el.setAttribute('href', instance.el.getAttribute('data-default-href'));
       el.setAttribute('data-lang', instance.el.getAttribute('data-lang') || Socialite.settings.twitter.lang);
   var twitterActivate = function(instance)
       if (window.twttr && typeof window.twttr.widgets === 'object' && typeof window.twttr.widgets.load === 'function') {
   Socialite.widget('twitter', 'share',   { init: twitterInit, activate: twitterActivate });
   Socialite.widget('twitter', 'follow',  { init: twitterInit, activate: twitterActivate });
   Socialite.widget('twitter', 'hashtag', { init: twitterInit, activate: twitterActivate });
   Socialite.widget('twitter', 'mention', { init: twitterInit, activate: twitterActivate });
   Socialite.widget('twitter', 'embed', {
       process: function(instance)
           instance.innerEl = instance.el;
           if (!instance.innerEl.getAttribute('data-lang')) {
               instance.innerEl.setAttribute('data-lang', Socialite.settings.twitter.lang);
           instance.el = document.createElement('div');
           instance.el.className = instance.innerEl.className;
           instance.innerEl.className = ;
           instance.innerEl.parentNode.insertBefore(instance.el, instance.innerEl);
       init: function(instance)
           instance.innerEl.className = 'twitter-tweet';
       activate: twitterActivate

   // Google+
   // Google does not support IE7'googleplus', {
       script: {
           src: '//'
       append: function(network)
           if (window.gapi) {
               return false;
           window.___gcfg = {
               lang: Socialite.settings.googleplus.lang,
               parsetags: 'explicit'
   var googleplusInit = function(instance)
       var el = document.createElement('div');
       el.className = 'g-' + instance.widget.gtype;
       Socialite.copyDataAttributes(instance.el, el);
       instance.gplusEl = el;
   var googleplusEvent = function(instance, callback) {
       return (typeof callback !== 'function') ? null : function(data) {
           callback(instance.el, data);
   var googleplusActivate = function(instance)
       var type = instance.widget.gtype;
       if (window.gapi && window.gapi[type]) {
           var settings = Socialite.settings.googleplus,
               params   = Socialite.getDataAttributes(instance.el, true, true),
               events   = ['onstartinteraction', 'onendinteraction', 'callback'];
           for (var i = 0; i < events.length; i++) {
               params[events[i]] = googleplusEvent(instance, settings[events[i]]);
           window.gapi[type].render(instance.gplusEl, params);
   Socialite.widget('googleplus', 'one',    { init: googleplusInit, activate: googleplusActivate, gtype: 'plusone' });
   Socialite.widget('googleplus', 'share',  { init: googleplusInit, activate: googleplusActivate, gtype: 'plus' });
   Socialite.widget('googleplus', 'badge',  { init: googleplusInit, activate: googleplusActivate, gtype: 'plus' });
   Socialite.widget('googleplus', 'follow', { init: googleplusInit, activate: googleplusActivate, gtype: 'follow' });
   // LinkedIn
   //'linkedin', {
       script: {
           src: '//'
   var linkedinInit = function(instance)
       var el = document.createElement('script');
       el.type = 'IN/' + instance.widget.intype;
       Socialite.copyDataAttributes(instance.el, el);
       if (typeof window.IN === 'object' && typeof window.IN.parse === 'function') {
   Socialite.widget('linkedin', 'share',     { init: linkedinInit, intype: 'Share' });
   Socialite.widget('linkedin', 'recommend', { init: linkedinInit, intype: 'RecommendProduct' });
   Socialite.widget('linkedin', 'follow', { init: linkedinInit, intype: 'FollowCompany' });

})(window, window.document, window.Socialite);


* Execute any queued functions (don't enqueue before the document has loaded!)

(function() {

   var s = window._socialite;
   if (/Array/.test( {
       for (var i = 0, len = s.length; i < len; i++) {
           if (typeof s[i] === 'function') {

